hello. today, my name is spoildmilk. tomorrow, it will be.... freshmilk. maybe.
- hi.
- hello. do i know you?
- no.
- ummm.... ok....
- k.
- hey.
- hey. sup.
- nothin, hey do you wanna put your pants back on now?
- oooooooh yeah...
- i agree! that was fun!
- no, its just that i'm looking at your boobs
- wow! a shooting star!
- huh?
- nothing. keep sucking my penis.
- ahh ahh ahhh ahh ahhh ahh ahh ahh...
- oooh yeah oooh yeah oooooh YEAH
- oh hunny, maybe we shouldn't be doing this in the car?...
- no. this is... oooh yeah gooood... gooooood....
- dude, hold here for a minute. i gotta go to the bathroom.
*[at the bathroom]*
- ahhhhh. that is muuuuuuch better.
*[a voice comes out of the toilet]*
- hey, did you drink cheap soda or somethin? i mean, eeewwww
- uh.... excuse me?
- blarg, your piss tastes like egg salad and blood. you should realy see a doctor...
- omg, are you a talking toilet?
- um, no. i'm a guy that fell down here a couple of weeks ago and now i must drink other ppl's piss to survive. but i can't drink you stinkin piss, cuz it is disgusting liquid
- well, i can't help it that my piss tastes disgusting. i don't care if its gross or not cuz i don't drink it
- well, you should. blarg. less 4 me then.
- omg!
- what is it?
- i haven't jerked off for like 10 minutes i have to go
well, that is all folks. see you later.
(oh and pick the dialogue you liked the most k thx bai)
- wow! a shooting star!
- huh?
- nothing. keep sucking my penis.
omg that one was sick...
it was, wasn't it?