you heard me!
a guide telling you how to walk up the stairs:
1) Grasp railing firmly with left hand.
2) Place right foot on nearest step.
3) Shift weight into right foot and lift body upward.
4) Place left foot on next step.
5) Slide left hand along railing to coresspond with distance traveled.
6) Shift weight onto left foot and lift body upward.
7) Repeat.
thanx now i will never fall down the stairs agian
spoildmilk (Updated )
heh :), i'm glad i could help. the falling down the stairs while climbing them is a very serious problem and to some people it's even a panic state of fear. (stairofallifobia). there are no cures from fobias, and people cannot overcome them like they do with simple fears. simple fears are overcomed by most people at small age, but a fobia is what keeps the fear inside for the rest of your life. there is a fear of computers (ciberfobia), a fear of small closed in places (clastrofobia), and last, but no least, the elusive fear of poop (kripofobia).