blarg 2day willy bee nothin butt sh- BLARG!!! cuz eye baughten 2 muzh steroidz i mean DrUgS yah so like blarghhhhhh blarg blarg blaaaaargh:
- meh meh meh meh meh meh
- omg pull it out
- no i like i enJOY this meh meh meh
- well ok but don't drool on my ass back there k
- no no no my drool is good it cures cancer
- ok if you say so
meh meh meh check out my Penis and tell (Penis) me if you liked it k(Penis)
Penis pants are awesome cuz you cut out a hole and you stick your big Penis out and everyone gets to enjoy it
blarg blarg blarg blarg blarg blrafshjdsdhsdhdfghsdghghasdfjd GEEZUZ KAT THAT AUT YOU SHIT
blarg blarg blarg jimmy don't listen to him he's got a knife and he whants to cut off you girlfriend's boobs blarghhhh blarg blarg
bleh! -coughbullshitcough- dumb as shit!
how dare you disrespect me WORM